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Featured Old-Earth Book

Who was Adam?
Dr. Hugh Ross
Dr. Fazale Rana Was
Adam an accident of nature, or a creature designed with significance and
purpose? Did humans descend from an ape-like ancestor through lucky
happenstance, or were the first man and woman deliberately created, made in
God's image?
Evolutionary theory dominates academic thought and public discourse as the only
valid explanation for humanity's origin.
Many observations appear to validate Darwin's ideas. But do they? Long before
Darwin, a man named David voiced a different view. And, both men can't be right.
Recent discoveries, some with biblical overtones, are causing many scientists to
abandon traditional evolutionary accounts in favor of a radically different
explanation. In Who Was Adam? biochemist Fazale Rana and astronomer Hugh Ross
discuss many of these advances and propose a new scientific model for human
origins, a creation model. Can human evolution be declared a fact? Or does
creation make more scientific sense? RTB's biblically consistent model can be
tested to answer the questions, with astounding results.
Click to buy from Amazon
NOTE: This book falls under the category of Progressive
Creationism |
During November, Old Earth Ministries had 9,096 visitors, viewing 22,416 pages.
This is the first time we have gone over the 9,000 mark. For more statistics, see
About OEM.
During November we obtained two new domain names.
One is an alternate site, with the same content as Old Earth Ministries.
This site is (it was
mentioned in last month's newsletter).
The other site is called the Old Earth Network, located at While the Old
Earth Network is still under construction, feel free to check it out. The
main feature is the forum, giving old earth creationists an opportunity to voice
opinions and carry on discussions with each other.
I've also been working at adding a new link bar, and changing the layout to a
white background for articles. For an example, see the featured article
below, the Coconino Sandstone. Any comments on the new layout are welcome.
In Christ,
Greg Neyman
Old Earth Ministries
Featured Article -
The Coconino Sandstone
The Featured Article will highlight one article or section of the website each
month. The Coconino Sandstone is a prominent rock layer in the Grand Canyon.
Considered to be of "desert" origin, it poses a threat to the young earth model,
after all, how could you form a desert sandstone in the middle of Noah's Flood.
This article shows that the young earth explanation for the Coconino is totally
inadequate and full of problems.
Click here to read
this article.
Featured Contributed Article - YEC Dating of a
Mt. Saint Helens Dacite
In this section, we will feature articles from OEM associates, and articles
which are linked to from an OEM webpage.
What happens when young earth creationists try to disprove radiometric dating?
Naturally, they stretch the truth and commit mistakes.
here to read this article.Contributors Wanted!
Want to write and contribute an article to Old Earth Ministries? Know a good link to an old earth website? We are always looking for new information to publish for our readers. Drop us an email at and let us know!
If you have problems viewing the email, drop us a note to let us know about the problem.
Old Earth Ministries
P. O. Box 571
Fairborn, OH 45324