The largest addition this month is a rebuttal to the claims of the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth study, or RATE. The layman's book for this study is called Thousands...Not Billions. A complete review of this book is now available at the link at left. June will see the inaugural issue of Answers magazine, a publication of Answers in Genesis. I will publish rebuttals to this magazine when it comes out. AiG released one article in May as a sneak preview, Genesis and Justice, and a review of this article can be viewed from the link to your left. I've placed several other links to new pages. If any of these topics interests you, please take the time to read these young earth rebuttals.
In Christ,
Greg Neyman Old Earth Ministries
Featured Article - RATE Research Comes
Up Empty Featured Contributed Article - Critique of the RATE Groups
Zircon-Helium Diffusion Project
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