Creation Science Articles
An Analysis of John
Matthews' "The Origin of Oil - A Creationist Answer"
Copyright 2008 G.R. Morton. This can be freely
distributed so long as no changes are made and no charges are made.
John D.
Matthews has published an article entitled, "The Origin of Oil - A
Creationist Answer" in Answers Research Journal 1 (2008):
145-168. This article is now online
here Answers in Genesis is the copyright holder of this article.
This review is within their guidelines.
In the article,
Matthews says that oil is neither biogenic nor abiogenic, but was
created by God and then via migration, the oil moved into
sedimentary reservoirs during the flood.
There are a
couple of prefatory remarks that must be made. First, if God simply
created the oil and created the geology, then there is simply
nothing left to explain. There is also nothing to argue about. I
have always said that if YECs want a perfectly logically coherent
view, just simply say that God did it all and then no one really
argue with you. But equally, there is no need for a YEC to then
claim how bad modern science is or how wrong it is. It seems that
Matthews' paper could have been significantly shorter simply by
saying God made all the oil miraculously and emplaced it
miraculously during the miraculous flood, which miraculously
arranged all the sediments with their miraculous fossils and
miraculous footprints, none of which signify previous plants,
animals or activities. It is, a thesis that has been tried before,
called Omphalos by Phillip Gosse. Edmund Gosse, his son wrote of
this attempt, where everything was done miraculously. Phillip it
seems expected adoration for solving the problem between geology and
the Bible with his suggestion. Unfortunately that wasn't to be the
"In the
course of that dismal winter, as the post began to bring in private
letters, few and chilly, and public reviews, many and scornful, my
Father looked in vain for the approval of the churches, and in vain
for the acquiescence of the scientific societies, and in vain for
the gratitude of those 'thousands of thinking persons,' which he had
rashly assured himself of receiving. As his reconciliation of
Scripture statements and geological deductions was welcomed nowhere;
as Darwin continued silent, and the youthful Huxley was scornful,
and even Charles Kingsley, from whom my Father had expected the most
instant appreciation, wrote that he could not 'give up the painful
and slow conclusion of five and twenty years' study of geology, and
believe that God has written on the rocks one enormous and
superfluous lie,' - as all this happened or failed to happen, a
gloom, cold and dismal, descended upon our morning teacups. It was
what the poets mean by an 'inspissated' gloom; it thickened day by
day, as hope and self-confidence evaporated in thin clouds of
disappointment. My Father was not prepared for such a fate. He had
been the spoiled darling of the public, the constant favourite of
the press, and now, like the dark angels of old, so huge a rout
Encumbered him with ruin.
He could not
recover from amazement at having offended everybody by an enterprise
which had been undertaken in the cause of universal reconciliation."Edmund
Gosse, Father and Son, (New York: W. W. Norton, 1963), p. 88
The second
prefatory remark concerns my qualifications to comment. I have
worked in the oil industry for about 39 years, most of that time I
was a geophysicist. I have done programming, was for a while a
manager of marketing, a personnel recruiter and a log librarian. I
have also been manager of reservoir modeling, manager of
petrophysics, manager of geophysics for the Gulf of Mexico for 10
years, Manager of Geophysics for the North Sea (where Matthews has
spent his career) for 3 years, a director of technology, and an
exploration director(the top dog in the exploration of China for
Kerr-McGee) with geologists and geophysicists and landmen reporting
to me. I put this out so that no one will claim that I would be
unknowledgeable in the areas of geology, geophysics, or engineering,
all of which are addressed in Matthews' article.
The first thing
that attracted my attention was the silly claim that the oil
industry doesn't use normal units. He claims that we use 5000 feet
for a mile, 3 for the conversion of meters to feet, and one barrel
equals 6 cubic feet. I have worked all over the world in the oil
industry and lived on 3 continents, including the UK where Matthews
is from. I have never seen anyone use non-standard systems of units
unless they were wanting a mere estimate, a first order guesstimate,
kind of like the mathematician Hardy did for the following equation.
analyzed it, he demonstrated what was clearly an intuitive grasp of
the nuances of numbers, powers, and margins of error. Surprisingly
often in mathematics, the art is in knowing when and how to abandon
the search for extreme accuracy a make approximations that allow the
answer to come with much I effort. The problem, posed in Hardy's
Collected Papers, is this:
Find an
approximation to the large positive root of the equation
e(e^x) =
"In other
words, what number substituted for x will make the left side equal
the right?"
describes the method of solving this problem. 'The points to observe
are (i) that the factor 10[sup]10x^10[/sup] proves to be of no
importance whatsoever, and (ii) that it is futile to try to be very
accurate in the early stages of the work .... The great weakness of
boys confronted with a numerical problem is that they cannot see
where accuracy is essential and where it is entirely useless.' By
the way the answer to the problem is that x is somewhere between 63
a 67, and, says Hardy, "a closer approximation could be found with
little trouble." G. H. Hardy, cited by Karl Sabbagh, The
Riemann Hypothesis, (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2002), p.
"There are
also the thorny issues of mercury, vanadium and chromium within
Matthews 2008
This is not
thorny. Geochemists know of the issue
Chlorophyll molecule loses its magnesium at the time of deposition.
During diagenesis, both vanadium and nickel become complexed to the
porphyrin in the place of the magnesium. As the porphyrins are
introduced into a crude oil from the source rock, they carry the
vanadium/nickel distribution with them. Many other trace elements in
crude oils are simply a reflection of those picked up during
migration or in the reservoir; so they have a limited value in
M. Hunt, Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology, 2nd edition (New York:
Freeman and Co., 1996, p. 529
Matthews then
acts as if overpressure were some problem for us in the industry.
"In some
reservoirs, compaction of the rock grains has not been fully
achieved, even though such reservoirs are many miles below the
surface. This means that the rock grains are not fully supporting
the formations above. Part of that support comes from enhanced fluid
(2005) has pointed out the oil must have entered many types of
reservoirs while the reservoirs were at a shallow depth, at which
point there is only partial compaction. This causes him a problem,
since the oil must leave the source rock early in its supposed
process of catagenesis (see later)." Matthews 2008
Oil entering
rocks which are at a shallow depth are due to mature source rocks
much much deeper forming the oil and the oil and gas leaking up
faults to the shallow surface beds. His comment fails to distinguish
between the source bed, which is not young and the reservoir bed,
which is young at the time of migration.
Matthews shows some lack of knowledge of the South Brae field.
If we adopt
the model that oil is generated in the source rocks, then because
the Kimmeridge Clay is the source rock for the South Brae field,
then the Clay is both source and cap rock. That, of course, begs the
question as to how the oil was ejected downwards against gravity,
when we would expect it to be easier to move the oil upwards into
the next formation. Matthews 2008
First off, he
misrepresents the relation of the Brae reservoir to the source rock.
It is interbedded in the source rock, which is why the oil is there.
"The Brae
oil fields are at the southern limit of the Viking Graben, at its
western faulted edge. Their Upper Jurassic reservoir sandstones are
intimately interbedded with the KCF source rock, and form an aquifer
beneath it." R. S. Haszeldine et al, "Diagenetic Porosity
Creation in a Graben," in A. J. Fleet et al, eds, Petroleum Geology
of Northwest Europe, Proceedings of the 5th Confernec, (London:
Geological Society, 1999), p. 1347
What he doesn't
tell people is that oil source rocks pressure up because the
diagenetic change causes fluid to occupy more volume than the
bitumen did. The change from bitumen to oil is a change like that of
water to steam. The end product occupies more volume and creates
high pressure. Now, this pressure is what causes oil to migrate
downward. If the bed beneath the source rock is lower pressure than
the source rock, flow will follow the laws of physics and it will go
down. In point of fact most oil source rocks expel oil in both
directions, up and down.
-------top of source rock
-------base of source rock
pressure but not as low as the lowest pressure at the top of the
source rock
I would also
note that the claim by YECs, in particular, Matthews that high
pressures in the subsurface mean a young earth ignore the fact that
compaction of the rock continues all the way down. As water leaks
from an over pressured compartment, the sedimentary grains compact
further and maintain the pressure. This compaction can be seen by
the general fact that there is less and less porosity in the rock as
one drills deeper. Matthews should know this and tell it to his
readers. He goes utterly ignorant on fluid flow through the
subsurface in the next quote
"There is
also quite a variation between the formation waters of reservoirs of
similar age. In terms of uniformitarian timescales, this is a
contradiction that the sedimentation took place in seawater that had
had plenty of time to approach near equilibrium." Matthews 2008
The above
statement could only be true if there was no meteoric waters flowing
through the rock (that is rainwater which hits the ground onshore
and then pushes its way into the subsurface, freshening the salinity
of some areas. Areas that are isolated don't get freshened. That is
why there is a variation of salinity. No geologist worth his salt
would claim that there is no water flow through the subsurface. It
is a quite well documented occurrence. See this for a primer I would also note
that a well drilled about 200 miles off Florida at the Blake Nose,
in about 600 feet of water found a cave with brackish water flowing
towards the Atlantic. That water was largely from rainfall that
landed on Florida and then flowed out under the Atlantic continental
shelf to the edge of the continent.
Matthews then
claims that far more organic material is required to source oil than
most experts believe.
organic content of ocean sediments, such as in the North Atlantic,
is around 0.1% by weight (Hunt 1979). Most other places are less
than 1%, except for anaerobic areas such as the Black Sea with
values of 6 to 15%. It is only with these last values that, even in
the most unprescriptive conditions that have been suggested as part
of this biogenic model, enough organic carbon can be found to make
useful amounts of an oil-like substance. Mattews 2008
This is simply
"Low energy
coastal areas and inland sedimentary basins where fine-grained clay
and carbonate muds are deposited generally contain 0.5 to 5% TOC,
which is in the range of most oil-forming rocks."
John M.
Hunt, Petroleum Geochemistry and Geology, 2nd edition (New York:
Freeman and Co., 1996, p. 326
Because of
this, most authorities don't think it requires 10% carbon to make a
source rock. 2% will often work just fine He fails to tell his
readers that the Kimmeridge is highly organic. Total organic carbon
is the way these numbers are often reported (TOC). He also doesn't
tell his readers how little rock is required to produce a barrel of
"A 5%
organic carbon content, for example, corresponds approximately to an
oil yield of 25 liters per metric ton of rock. Assuming a rock
specific gravity of 2.3, a cubic metre of this source rock would
yield approximately 57 litres of artificial oil. some 2.8 or roughly
3 cu. m. would be required to produce 1 bbl of oil." Hans R.
Grunau, "Abundance of Source Rocks for Oil and Gas Worldwide,"
Journal of Petroleum Geology , 6:1, (1983), p. 42.
To put the
above in perspective it would require the size of an average
American bedroom of source rock to make a barrel of oil!
average TOC content of the Kimmeridge Clay is 5.6 percent wt at
2,600 to 3,200 m at pre-peak generation maturity. The average TOC
content at the onset of oil generation (2550 m) was thus probably
about 6 percent wt, which is equivalent to an organic matter content
of 7 percent wt."J. C. Goff, "Hydrocarbon generation and Migration
from Jurassic Source Rocks in the East Shetland Basin and Viking
Graben of the Northern North Sea," Petroleum Geochemistry and
Basin Evaluation, AAPG Memoir 35, ed. by Gerard Demaison and Roelof
J. Murris, pp273-301, p. 290 [/cite]
He also fails
to tell his readers that retorting experiments produce oil at source
rock pressures and temperatures.
"1) The
Oxfordian source-rock interval has good to excellent source-rock
potential (richness) with total-organic-carbon content (TOC) that
ranges from 0.5 to 5 wt.% (average 1.7 wt.%) and S2 values from Rock
Eval that range from 2 to 19 mg hydrocarbons (HC)/g rock (average 8
mg HC/g rock.)
"2) The
Kimmeridgian source-rock interval has fair to good source-rock
potential with TOC ranging from 0.5 to 2 wt.% (average about 0.8
wt.%) and S2 values ranging from 2 to 6 mg HC/g rock (average 3 mg
HC/g rock).
"3) The
Tithonian source-rock interval has very good to excellent
source-rock potential, with TOC ranging from 0.5 to 16 wt.% (average
3 wt.%) and S2 ranging from 2 to 85 mg HC/g rock (average about 14
mg HC/g rock)." Leslie B. Magoon, Travis L. Hudson, and Harry
E. Cook, "Pinienta-Tamabra(!)"A Giant Supercharged Petroleum System
in the Southern Gulf of Mexico, Onshore and Offshore Mexico," in C.
Bartolini, R. T. Buffler and A. Caritu-Chapa, eds., The Western Gulf
of Mexico Basin: Tectonics, Sedimentary Basins, and Petroleum
Systems, AAPG Memoir 75, (Tulsa: AAPG, 2001), p. 112
Here are some
source rock organic carbon values (total organic carbon --TOC)
The Bazhenov
Fm. has 10% TOC It is the source rock for all of West Siberia. The
Domanik Formation has 20% TOC and is the source for the Volga Ural
and Caspian area. G. F. Ulmishek and H. D. Klemme, Depositional
Controls , distribution and Effectiveness of World's Petroleum
Source Rocks, U.S.G.S. Bulletin 1931, (Washington: U. S. Gov't
Printing Office, 1990), p. 15, 19
" However,
the total organic carbon values in the Kimmeridge Clay can be
exceptionally high in the case of the millimetre-laminated
'Blackstone Band' rising above 50%. This unique horizon was used as
long ago as the Bronze Age for the manufacture of decorative
bracelets, perhaps because of its attractive colour, unusually low
density and ease of working." S. P. Hesselbo, "Late Triassic
and Jurassic: disintegrating Pangaea," in Nigel Woodcock and Rob
Strachan, editors, Geological History of Britain and Ireland,
(London: Blackwell Science, 2000), p. 334
This is the Shahejie formation which extends out to the Bohai Bay
where I worked. Some areas out there had 10% TOC
beds in the Huanghua Basin contain total organic carbon of 1.5-5.0%,
chloroform soluble bitumen of 0.15-0.30%, total hydrocarbon content
of 1500 to 2500 ppm, hydrocarbon yield of 20 x 106tonne/km3 and
potential hydrocarbon production of 10 to 30 kilograms/tonne of
LEE, "Petroleum geology of the Huanghua Basin," eastern China
1996), P. 595-614, p. 595
From notes I
took while I was in China, the Enping and WenJiang formations of
South China have organic contents of 2%
When he quotes
Waples as saying that Basin modeling hasn't delivered on its
promises, Matthews hides from his readers that a major problem with
basin modeling and migration modeling is that one must get the
correct thermal history. I was involved in modelling a small basin
in the Bohai. We were using a modeler in the US who was using US
values for thermal history, source rock quality etc. Since I could
read a wee bit of Chinese, I dug into the ChHinese literature
looking for what the local knowledge had to say. What they said was
that the TOCs were higher, the thermal history hotter, and pulsated
rather than the simple cooling model that that US person was using.
I pointed these values out to the US based modeler, who ignored me
and told me I didn't know what I was talking about. She also
concluded that there could be no oil in that basin.
The problem was
that there was already a 50 million bbl oil field in that small
basin about 10 miles south of where I wanted to drill. In order to
get the well drilled I had to convince management that the modeling
work was crap, which is was. We did a drill stem test on the well we
eventually drilled of 1100 bbl/day. It was the first successful
exploration well in China for our company in 5 years. Sometimes the
modeling failure is one of not being optimistic enough.
Matthews then
" The
alkane distribution is completely different to that of oil in the
reservoir. No alkanes lower than number 15 are generated. No even
numbered alkanes are generated. The sheer disparity between what is
found in reservoirs and what we have produced is shown in Fig. 7."
Matthews 2008
With time, heat
breaks longer chains to shorter chains. This isn't so hard to
understand. Also one must not forget that there are lots of bacteria
in the deep biosphere which munch on hydrocarbons and change the
He also says
that if oil migrates in solution with natural gas, that we shouldn't
find oil without gas. We almost never do. Almost all oil fields have
some gas with them. Some have more than others. Often the gas and
oil are mixed together where there is no gas cap. This happens when
the pressure on the reservoir is sufficient to drive the two
materials into solution with each other. And sometimes when we
produce a field, we drop the reservoir pressure and gas comes out of
solution forming a gas cap that didn't exist before we produced the
One other thing
that Matthews doesn't tell his readers. A trap for an oil field is a
relative term. A bed or fault that will trap asphalt, might not trap
oil. A trap that traps oil and asphalt might not trap gas. Consider
how leakey traps are to natural gas.
example, existing gas accumulations can be destroyed by dissipation.
The rate of this destruction was calculated for the Harlingen gas
field, Holland. By diffusive loss through 400 m of shale cap rock,
the initial amount of methane in place of 1.93 x 10^9 std m^3 (6.8 x
10^10 scf) is reduced by one half over a period of 4.5 million
years. this leads us to propose the concept that large gas
accumulations can persist through extended periods of geologic time
only as dynamic systems reaching some kind of steady-state
equilibrium between diffusive loss through the cap rock and
continuous replenishment from the source rock." Detlev
Leythauser et al, "Role of Diffusion in Primary Migration of
Hydrocarbons," AAPG Bulletin, April, 1982, p. 408
This tells me
that if oil does migrate in solution with gas, the gas might leak
away over time faster than the oil does, thus causing an oil field
lacking lots of gas. Of course, Matthews doesn't bother to tell his
readers of this possibility.
" In a
desired model of secondary migration, faults appear to be conduits
for migration at some times and barriers at others (Barker 1996, p.
384). There is no logic to this, other than to get the petroleum
into the reservoir by a secondary migration model, and then keep it
there." Matthews 2008
In the Bohai
Bbay there are earthquakes all the time. This means that throughout
geologic time, a fault may be pushed closed and then opened when the
stress field changes. This turns a closed fault into an open fault.
There is logic to it but it isn't predictable. The stress field of
an area will change, sometimes opening the faults so migration
happens, and sometimes closing it.
When he
complains that there is bitumen above the gas fields of West Africa,
and says we shouldn't find bitumen there, I am gob-smacked by the
silly claim. Bitumen can be found anywhere it is deposited. There is
also another mechanism. Bacteria eat the lighter carbon chains. This
happens in the North Sea. It is called biodegredation and is well
known, and should be well known by a guy with experience in the oil
industry. There are lots of fields in the North Sea which have very
heavy oil and are close to the surface.
miscellania. When he discusses the sourcing of oil into Wytch Farms,
a field Kerr-McGee was a minority owner in, he shows one cross
section, a north south cross section. What he doesn't show is what
is happening in the east-west direction. The faults in the field run
east west but are open to the east and west This link takes you to a
3d image of Wytch Farms. South is coming out at you at 45 deg to the
right. You can orient yourself by the coast at the top of the
picture as Wytch Farms is on the southern part of the English Coast.
The big blue drop off in the front, is the fault that he says oil
can't cross. Fine, but look at the drop off to the Northeast. Oil
can get from source rock to older reservoir beds across that
boundary. When Matthews claims that because Gullfaks is a big field
there therefore MUST be smaller accumulations around it, that is
utter nonsense. There simply is no criteria that there must be
smaller accumulations around a large field. Often there are, but it
is not a geologic requirement of the data.
Below is
another ridiculous claim
failure of drilling to find the conduits by which oil entered
Smrbukk meant that the engineers had to use indirect methods to try
and understand how oil entered Smrbukk."
No one drills
to find the conduit to an oil field. NO ONE. Wells are too expensive
to be mere science fair experiments. The engineer doesn't care how
the oil entered the reservoir. The geologists cares only to the
point that one wants to find other fields along the migration path,
but there is no requirement that there be other fields along the
migration path. Sometimes there are; sometimes there aren't.
My deep
suspicion is that John Matthews is a much better geologist at work
than he shows himself to be in this article.
I would also
comment that his time spent describing various oil and gas fields
seems wildly out of place in the article. The structure of a field
has little to do with the origin of oil but might have something to
do with the migration of oil, something that he believes happened.
He doesn't seem to deny migration. Thus if a field has a problem
getting oil into it under the biogenic theory, it would also have
that problem under the flood theory.
One interesting
thing is that Matthews starts his article by implying that the
Western oil industry rejected the inorganic origin of oil theory in
1969. This is totally false. I know of only one or two people who
hold to abiogenesis. The vast majority hold to the biogenic origin
of oil.

Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? The
author of this article, Glenn Morton, made the transition from young
earth creationism to old earth creationism. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
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Can You Be A
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