Creation Science Articles
Tracks and Raindrop, Hail
and Ice Impressions Demonstrates Slow Deposition
Copyright 2004 G.R. Morton. This can be freely
distributed so long as no changes are made and no charges are made.
One of the fascinating
aspects of the geologic and paleontologic record involves the
capturing in stone of slow processes which are incompatible with the
young-earth creationist idea of a global flood. Below is a modern
slab of hardened mud taken from the Bay of Fundy. It shows that when
the mud was soft, a bird walked across it. The bird feet sank into
the mud. But then at a later time, after the bird took his stroll,
it rained and a few drop imprints were left in the mud, which then
hardened. This preservation took place about 60 years ago. The slab
of hardened mud was pried up from the sediments around the Bay of
Fundy and moved to a museum.
From this, we know that such
features can form today, that they don't require exceptionally
catastrophic conditions for their formation, and thus when we see
such things in the fossil record, we are not free to claim that such
features need a global flood. Besides, several things are very clear
from this type of deposit.
1. The water depth was no
deeper than the bird's legs.
2. When the rain happened,
there was no water covering the layer at all. If there had been, the
water would have absorbed the drops impact rather than the mud.
From this we know that this
modern feature was formed without any water covering at all.
Just for completeness sake,
here is another modern example of raindrop imprint preservation.
Now, we find similar things
in the fossil record. Below is one from the Triassic of
One can see two animals
walked across this slab, one (NE-SW) while the mud was very wet, the
other (E-W) while the mud was a bit dryer. At the last, you can see
tiny circular raindrop impressions all over the slab. Like the
modern examples above, we don't have to appeal to a global flood to
form such slabs. And such slabs show that there was a period of time
while various animals walked on the mud, and while the mud slowly
dried out allowing a firmer track impression on the east west track.
One of my favorite track
photos is from Raymond Moore's 1933 Historical Geology. It shows a
shoreline with a dinosaur walking into the water (not fleeing from
the water). The slab above the waterline is rainpitted, below the
waterline, there are no raindrop impressions because the water
absorbed the impact.
This simply doesn't look
like a global flood deposit.
But it just isn't raindrops
which are found in the fossil record. Hail impressions are preserved
as well.
Below we can also see modern
vs. ancient ice crystal imprints. Remember that to form ice
crystals, the mud must freeze, and this takes several hours, which
is inconsistent with a one-year global flood which deposits 50-100
feet per day.
Here are the modern ice
crystal imprints.
This example is from the
The features discussed above
clearly don't require a global flood to form. Indeed, quite the
opposite, they indicate a slow rate of deposition.

Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? The
author of this article, Glenn Morton, made the transition from young
earth creationism to old earth creationism. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
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